Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A little bragging and a little confessing

So maybe day one was not the biggest success story every written. We started off well, bananas and toast for breakfast and grilled chicken salads with mandarin oranges and sunflower seeds for lunch (peanut butter sandwiches for the babies). But then I got a little carried away with organizing and ironing, and dinner time snuck up on me. I did actually have a bag of chicken thawing in the sink. But Jonny walked in at five o'clock starving to death, and I only had four pieces of ironing left. My cardinal rule is "Never put the ironing board away until the last piece is done" or else I won't pull it back out for another two weeks.

So he proposed we order pizza.

As far as the healthiness of the night went, I must admit I was rather proud of myself. He ordered a thin crust pepperoni pizza and I only had two pieces. Plus I filled up on lots of salad.

I am determined however, to not get caught like that again. I simply have to go back to starting dinner while the babies are napping, so I only have to put on the finishing touches that evening.

The good part about the day was that the girls and I totally overhauled their room and came up with more clothes to get rid of than any child should have in their entire wardrobe. Plus we organized their closet with a shelf that I brought up from the playroom after I emptied if of all it's toys and they are now in the yard sale pile.

My genius Mom suggested that I start packing away the books and toys in the playroom, because for the life of me, I can't keep that room even a little bit picked up.

The boys have about fifty tools, fifteen balls, guns, bats, tons of cars, potato heads, legos, duplos, lincoln logs, hundreds of books, four large sets of little people, and who knows what else.

Not to mention Molly's dress up, tea sets, pots and pans, play food, and polly pockets, barbies, my little ponies, strawberry shortcake, and play-do.

Is it any wonder why we can't keep that room clean??

Especially considering that the boys favorite thing in the universe to do is dump everything out and hear it go crash, then walk off and leave it there for someone else to clean up.

So using the good sense that Mom raised me with, I listened to her advice and packed away about three fourths of their books and toys either for another day or for the yard sale.

I also finished the ridiculous pile of ironing and got it all put away. So here comes the sunshine, bring on the summer clothes!!!!!

So excited about the chore for the day!

1 comment:

  1. When do you plan on doing your yard sale and are you still in Springfield?
