One thing you will discover the more that you read this, is that I like changing things on a regular basis. Hence the continuous change in color schemes around my house. I figured that it is cheaper to change my blog. So in celebration of spring which we know will eventually come, I have decided to freshen things up a bit. Hope you enjoy!
First and foremost let me express the deep gratitude I have felt over some very encouraging messages I have received from my readers. Being someone who depends far too much on words of affirmation, it has meant the world to me that you are reading and enjoying my blog. I have had so much fun writing it and it gets out some of the however many thousand words a day we females are said to utter.
I only have time for a quick post today because I have to go start the chili for chili dogs tonite for Superbowl Sunday. Maybe not the most original menu, but I am learning that men are not so very impressed if you bring down platters of homeade bread and thick slices of fresh chocolate cake as they are if you set out a couple of bowls of guacamole and some cold cokes.
So I will enjoy the rest from the kitchen today.
What are some things that you make for the superbowl?
I have to confess that I really care absolutely nothing for football and understand even less about it. I am pretty sure that it involves an odd shaped ball and several burly looking fellows.
I am much more exciting about the crafts that the kids are going to make tonight than I am about the noise that will be going on in the living room.
My last thoughts will be the recipe for the ham that I promised you that I wasn't able to make today due to three congested little ones.
Simply rub brown sugar all over the ham. Then pour on a can of coke. Using toothpicks, arrange pineapple slices all over the top and pop a cherry in each center. Then cover and bake for however many hours your ham suggests. Not only is this delicious, but it is absolutely gorgeous!!
Talk to you soon friends.
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