Imagine this ceiling tile painted white. These adorable plates hanging on the wall. I'm telling you what, if Jonny started this tonite and finished it in the morning, it would still be too long for me!
Ahh, patience is a virtue I wish I had.
Due to indecent amounts of organizing and sorting and cleaning, my cooking has slacked off some. This week has started off with some quick easy recipes that don't necessarily taste near as good. Beef stew on Monday, stir fry last night (I was trying so hard to make it taste like Hinode but I failed miserably!), and jambalaya tonite. I do have a huge ham thawing in the fridge for this Sunday's lunch. Mom gave me a recipe using Coke and brown sugar with pineapples and cherries and ooh la la is it delicious! I will give you the recipe and the rest of Sunday's menu this weekend.
One of my family's favorite dishes is jambalaya. I really do love making this because you can make it however your family likes it. I use lots of sausage and shrimp in mine. With stewed tomatoes, chicken broth, garlic, and lots of Tony Cachera's.
The beef stew was not so good this week. I was trying to use up some leftovers and you could tell by the way it tasted.
As far as the stir fry, I think I will leave Asian cooking to the Asians. I'm pretty sure that they don't use instant rice for the fried rice. Not to mention the fact that the veggies tasted like I started cooking them the day before. Plus what is Japanese food with out yummy-yummy sauce. If you can't tell, one of our family's favorite restaurants is Hinode. Entertainment and delicious food all at one table. Those chefs know how to keep my kids attention better than television.
I really am tired of all the quick dinners. My mouth is really watering for a fried chicken dinner complete with mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli with cheese sauce, biscuits with honey, sweet tea, and sour cream chocolate cake.
Given the fact that I have about seventeen bags of chicken in the freezer and have done about everything around this house that I can think of, I think that will be the meal for tomorrow night.
My goals I have accomplished so far this week have been scrubbing both ovens to look like new, sorting through every piece of paper in the entire house and filing it away, washing ALL the bed linens, and vaccuming the mattresses. Very productive week thus far.
Hope you are having a marvelous week!
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