Due to an extremely busy week and weekend, I will not be posting again until next week. I have the most marvelous five days ahead of me that I will not be able to focus on cooking for a while. Mostly because I don't plan on doing much of it. I will give you our schedule and although to you busy folks out there, this might sound like the most uneventful weekend ever, please remember to consider that we never do ANYTHING!! Our one event for the week is Sunday morning church. My kids don't even wear shoes any other day because we're always here at home. Which amazingly enough, none of us seem to mind. We are all a bunch of homebodies and that suits us just fine.
Now back to my schedule. Today I am getting my sadly graying hair turned back to it's natural shade of sometimes blond and sometimes brown (depending of course on the weather and my mood). Then off for a fun night with the kids. At least, I hope it will be fun. We can't seem to agree on any activities even though there are many ideas on the table. Have you ever tried to entertain a twelve year old, a ten year old, a three year old, and two one year olds?
It is nearly impossible. The ideas being thrown out are: Incredible Pizza (and until flu season is over, I am not a fan of that place), Hinode, the mall (Ally's favorite idea), Chucky Cheese (Molly has been very loud in expressing a "YES" vote), bowling (ever tried to take three toddlers bowling?), and a movie (yea right!).
Then tomorrow is finishing up the last minute grocery shopping and packing for Jonny and me.
Friday Jonny and I leave the kids with Mom and Dad and get away for the weekend. We are going to spend Friday shopping for the new kitchen. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then dinner at my all time favorite, Oceans Zen.
From there on to the Walnut Street Bed and Breakfast. A beautiful place to stay, with fireplaces in the room and a skylight. Last time we stayed there it snowed, and it was perfect! I must admit that I am praying for a little snow this time too.
Saturday is shopping and lunch with Jonny and maybe a little flea marketing. We both love doing this.
Then Sunday church and maybe a long, long nap.
This sums up our weekend. I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day!
My brother is taking this girl friend to the oceans zen place for valentines day. I hope they like it as much as you.