All righty then, the reason for my rather long silence. I was watching this commercial about this slightly out of shape father running around the track and struggling with every breath. Then of course he sits down on the bench and imagines what his family would do without him if his health (or rather his lack of it) were to take his life. So I'm sitting there craving some Andy's chocolate custard with chocolate chip cookie dough bites when I start to wonder how healthy my body is.
After faithful reading of this blog, you are probably thinking that this is rather obvious. So after one of my sweet daughters coming to me and asking me to help her eat a little healthier (I am greatly ashamed to admit that I did not readily agree), I decided that from now until April first, I am going to challenge myself to eat healthier and thus feed my family the same way.
This is not to say that there will not be many delicious recipes in the months to come or even possibly in this time frame. But I must be honest with you and confess, that I HATE, HATE, HATE cooking healthy. It is absolutely no fun.
I can fry up any part of a chicken you can throw at me, and I can go through a box of butter in a day no problem (not eating it plain, cooking with it), I can make any fresh vegetable you can name, taste alot better by frying the heck out of that thing than you can ever make it taste by steaming it. But nontheless, I am determined to give it a whirl.
And I don't mean just starving myself, but actually trying to eat HEALTHY!
So I will attempt to be diligent with my posts and admit to my accomplishments and my defeats in my new culinary challenges.
But I must admit to you, that without dousing it in cream or frying it, I'm not really sure what to do with a chicken.
And how exactly do you complete a meal without biscuits and honey?
And how on earth do you feel as though the evening is over without dessert????
As you can see, I have a long way to go.
April first, hurry every chance you get!
Hey Jen, I happen to think (based on tons of stuff I've read) that butter and cream and the like can actually be GOOD for you. It's the added chemicals and the good things that processing takes away (like enzymes) that make them bad for you. I know that's not what the "health experts" tell you but I'd recommend a book called "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon or the website if you're interested in learning more. It's much too long of a conversation to type it all right here!
We are in the same situation right now! We have struggled to "get healthy" over the years. One thing that we really struggle with is that everything here is fried and that there are no lowfat or fat free foods (ie yogurts, etc.). I've been trying to keep to the advise that TechSpecs gave. We use the "best" oils, butter, and other "whole" type foods. And LOTS of fruits and veggies...if you find good recipes, I'm sure we'd all love to see them!