So I got to thinking, that for those of you who are not into eating healthy, you might be losing interest in the material being supplied here as of late. You might be thinking that this is not what you signed up for. Just in case this has been your feeling, I thought I would throw a delicious, super easy soup recipe your way. This is in no way healthy, but so quick to make with no thawing required.
Cream of Tomato Soup
In a food processor or blender, combine 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can of stewed tomatoes and 4 ounces of cream cheese cubed. Cover and process till smooth. Set aside.
In a large saucepan, saute 1 medium onion chopped and 2 garlic cloves minced, in 2 tablespoons of butter. Whisk in 3 cans undiluted tomato soup, 4 (5 1/2 ounce) cans V8 juice, and 3 tablespoons tomato paste until blended.
Gradually stir in 1 cup half and half and cream cheese mixture and 1/2 tsp dried basil. Cook and stir until heated through. Do not boil.
Croutons (Perfect with this soup!!)
In a large bowl, combine 3 cups oyster crackers, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon ranch salad dressing mix, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp dill weed, and 9 tablespoons of shredded mozzarella cheese. Toss to coat.
This soup is so very delicious and I have never tasted anything quite like these crackers. I will inform you however, that when I make the croutons, I don't really do it anything like this recipe says. I add a little more oil, and lots more ranch mix, garlic powder and dill. Don't even mention the "nine tablespoons of shredded mozzarella". Who on earth measures out nine tablespoons of anything??!! I just put in somewhere around a cup.
As far as the eating healthy thing, we are still trying. I will admit that I made this soup tonite and did in fact eat some:-(
But life is full of these little bumps in the diet. Right?
I am still exceedingly proud of Ally and myself for our progress and our new way of thinking. Not to mention the running, walking, and every other kind of this or thatting that helps you get into shape. It is so much more fun to do it with someone than by yourself! Even if that someone is about as thin as a rail and extremely muscular to boot (no, I unfortunately do not mean myself).
I'm off for coffee (tea for me) with a friend. Nice chatting with you all, even if it was rather one sided!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
So far this is for the birds!!
Not that I am giving up. No sirree bob!! I have actually been doing amazingly well. Eating really well and exercising too. But as far as the menu goes, well let's just say that you will not be any more excited to try these foods than I was to eat them.
I am simply going to have to get more creative. I have realized that eating healthy is much easier in the summer, when you can grill all kinds of meats and veggies than in the winter.
Let's see here, what have I been eating?
Well Monday night Jonny took me to Cheddars after I turned down his invitation to Red Robin. I scanned the menu and turned a deaf taste bud to my all time favorite Buffalo Chicken wrap with lots and lots of ranch. Instead I ordered the grilled salmon with steamed broccoli and corn. I resisted the urge to get the Caesar salad, knowing how much fat is in creamy dressing.
My considerate husband proceeds to order a huge plate of loaded nachos:-(
So our food comes out and his of course looks amazingly succulent and mine looks...well...healthy shall we say.
A piece of unseasoned salmon lying on a bed of rice, with absolutely nothing brown and crisp anywhere to be seen. Now understand that I like me some salmon. Jonny can make it unlike anything you've ever tasted. I guarantee that even you fish haters out there would enjoy his grilled salmon.
This was not Jonny's salmon. It was terrible and extremely fishy. The broccoli had loads of minced garlic all over it. Again let me reassure you that I really enjoy garlic and broccoli, just not necessarily together. The only thing on the plate worth eating was the corn (which to be honest isn't the best vegetable for getting necessary vitamins).
I left feeling very healthy with a disgusting taste in my tongue. You can probably imagine how I must've smelled after fish and garlic.
Last night I made spaghetti and meatballs. More for convenience than health. But I didn't make any bread and made sure that everyone had lots of salad. I didn't put any pasta with my meatballs. Once again trying to make the healthier choice. This meal was a little better than the previous night, but still not smothered steak with mashed potatoes and buttered rolls.
We are making up for the nasty dinners with delicious breakfast's and lunch's. Cereal, granola, lots of fruit, turkey sandwiches, salads, and yogurt.
I am going to try my hardest to come up with some healthy recipes or else this month is going to be really long. I just haven't had the time to pour over the healthy cookbooks (if I indeed have any of those things). But I am determined to try.
Thank you so much for the comments and encouragement.
I am now off to paint the trim in the bathroom to get it ready for it's grand wallpapering tonight! Have a wonderful Wednesday sweet readers!
I am simply going to have to get more creative. I have realized that eating healthy is much easier in the summer, when you can grill all kinds of meats and veggies than in the winter.
Let's see here, what have I been eating?
Well Monday night Jonny took me to Cheddars after I turned down his invitation to Red Robin. I scanned the menu and turned a deaf taste bud to my all time favorite Buffalo Chicken wrap with lots and lots of ranch. Instead I ordered the grilled salmon with steamed broccoli and corn. I resisted the urge to get the Caesar salad, knowing how much fat is in creamy dressing.
My considerate husband proceeds to order a huge plate of loaded nachos:-(
So our food comes out and his of course looks amazingly succulent and mine looks...well...healthy shall we say.
A piece of unseasoned salmon lying on a bed of rice, with absolutely nothing brown and crisp anywhere to be seen. Now understand that I like me some salmon. Jonny can make it unlike anything you've ever tasted. I guarantee that even you fish haters out there would enjoy his grilled salmon.
This was not Jonny's salmon. It was terrible and extremely fishy. The broccoli had loads of minced garlic all over it. Again let me reassure you that I really enjoy garlic and broccoli, just not necessarily together. The only thing on the plate worth eating was the corn (which to be honest isn't the best vegetable for getting necessary vitamins).
I left feeling very healthy with a disgusting taste in my tongue. You can probably imagine how I must've smelled after fish and garlic.
Last night I made spaghetti and meatballs. More for convenience than health. But I didn't make any bread and made sure that everyone had lots of salad. I didn't put any pasta with my meatballs. Once again trying to make the healthier choice. This meal was a little better than the previous night, but still not smothered steak with mashed potatoes and buttered rolls.
We are making up for the nasty dinners with delicious breakfast's and lunch's. Cereal, granola, lots of fruit, turkey sandwiches, salads, and yogurt.
I am going to try my hardest to come up with some healthy recipes or else this month is going to be really long. I just haven't had the time to pour over the healthy cookbooks (if I indeed have any of those things). But I am determined to try.
Thank you so much for the comments and encouragement.
I am now off to paint the trim in the bathroom to get it ready for it's grand wallpapering tonight! Have a wonderful Wednesday sweet readers!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lighter fare???
All righty then, the reason for my rather long silence. I was watching this commercial about this slightly out of shape father running around the track and struggling with every breath. Then of course he sits down on the bench and imagines what his family would do without him if his health (or rather his lack of it) were to take his life. So I'm sitting there craving some Andy's chocolate custard with chocolate chip cookie dough bites when I start to wonder how healthy my body is.
After faithful reading of this blog, you are probably thinking that this is rather obvious. So after one of my sweet daughters coming to me and asking me to help her eat a little healthier (I am greatly ashamed to admit that I did not readily agree), I decided that from now until April first, I am going to challenge myself to eat healthier and thus feed my family the same way.
This is not to say that there will not be many delicious recipes in the months to come or even possibly in this time frame. But I must be honest with you and confess, that I HATE, HATE, HATE cooking healthy. It is absolutely no fun.
I can fry up any part of a chicken you can throw at me, and I can go through a box of butter in a day no problem (not eating it plain, cooking with it), I can make any fresh vegetable you can name, taste alot better by frying the heck out of that thing than you can ever make it taste by steaming it. But nontheless, I am determined to give it a whirl.
And I don't mean just starving myself, but actually trying to eat HEALTHY!
So I will attempt to be diligent with my posts and admit to my accomplishments and my defeats in my new culinary challenges.
But I must admit to you, that without dousing it in cream or frying it, I'm not really sure what to do with a chicken.
And how exactly do you complete a meal without biscuits and honey?
And how on earth do you feel as though the evening is over without dessert????
As you can see, I have a long way to go.
April first, hurry every chance you get!
After faithful reading of this blog, you are probably thinking that this is rather obvious. So after one of my sweet daughters coming to me and asking me to help her eat a little healthier (I am greatly ashamed to admit that I did not readily agree), I decided that from now until April first, I am going to challenge myself to eat healthier and thus feed my family the same way.
This is not to say that there will not be many delicious recipes in the months to come or even possibly in this time frame. But I must be honest with you and confess, that I HATE, HATE, HATE cooking healthy. It is absolutely no fun.
I can fry up any part of a chicken you can throw at me, and I can go through a box of butter in a day no problem (not eating it plain, cooking with it), I can make any fresh vegetable you can name, taste alot better by frying the heck out of that thing than you can ever make it taste by steaming it. But nontheless, I am determined to give it a whirl.
And I don't mean just starving myself, but actually trying to eat HEALTHY!
So I will attempt to be diligent with my posts and admit to my accomplishments and my defeats in my new culinary challenges.
But I must admit to you, that without dousing it in cream or frying it, I'm not really sure what to do with a chicken.
And how exactly do you complete a meal without biscuits and honey?
And how on earth do you feel as though the evening is over without dessert????
As you can see, I have a long way to go.
April first, hurry every chance you get!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Beautiful Table Settings

In past years, I never cared a fig about beautiful dishes, tableclothes, vases, or silverware. I had my everyday blue and white gingham plates with matching cups and my blue and gold china that I have only used a handful of times, and I was quite content with those.
This is no longer the case with me. I have now found that I enjoy browsing through vintage dishes on ebay, or wandering through booths at flea markets, or better yet, happening upon some surprises at yard sales (I prefer the name yard sale to garage sale. It seems to sound less cluttered and more...fresh shall we say.), to clothes shopping.
I love putting together new and exciting tablescapes and have accidentally passed this love down to Meghan and Ally. They love pulling out the vases and assorted candles and "matching" them with different colors of plates and linens.
"Frivolous and costly" you might suppose. "On the contrary" I would argue!
Did you even know that you can go to the $1 store and find all kinds of plates and glasses?
That is where I bought my white plates and some of my holiday dishes too.
It is very necessary to have white plates and clear glasses (or goblets) that will match with everything.
Then another great trick is to go to Hobby Lobby and buy their chargers (the big plastic plate that you put under the dinner plate) for $1.79 each. They have silver (my personal favorite) and red and gold.
Then keep your eyes peeled at flea markets and yard sales for napkins of any color (even mismatched works great!) and tablecloths.
You can buy different sizes of vases for very little cost at flea markets and can basically pay next to nothing at yard sales. Then run to Sam's and grab up your favorite flower, or in the spring, run to your own flower bed and come up with your own arrangement.
Some of my favorite ideas are:
White plates on silver chargers with my pink bubble glasses (they're actually plastic.SSHHHH), and white napkins. Then add some silver candle sticks with drippy candles and pink tulips or peonies.
Milk glass makes a beautiful tablescape and you can find it just about anywhere. It goes well with so many different ideas. Especially for spring luncheons in the back yard with vintage tablecloths, and brightly colored flowers. Watch for milk glass at just about any flea market or antique shop.
Yellow plates on a white tablecloth with my yellow polka dot napkins and chrystal goblets with bright red geraniums or tulips.
Try tricks like buying mismatched salad plates and putting them on white plates with mismatched napkins.
Or putting a little spray of flowers into the napkin ring.
Don't be afraid to get really creative. Browse through google images under "vintage tablescapes" or splurge and buy a book that is more your own personal style.
Remember that this is suppose to be fun. You are putting your own personality onto your tablecloth.
Just in case you can't tell, I am starting to steer away from the soups and casseroles and get more into flowers and decorating. This is your first clue that I am getting ready for spring to burst forth in all it's glory. Bring on the yard sales, clothes fittings, spring cleaning, planting flowers, opening the pool, and finishing the tree house!
Not to mention new recipes for fresher, slightly (but not really) lighter dishes.
Good night sweet friends. I am off to get my beauty sleep!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hostess with the Mostest
It's been a nice weekend. Got in lot's of flea marketing, lunch at the tea room, dinner at Oceans Zen, ordering new cabinets, and searching for an apron front sink. Took a two and half hour nap yesterday and woke up in time to watch two hours of AFV and two more hours of Extreme Home Makeover with the kids. Yes, very nice weekend indeed!
I was thinking about what I would post yesterday, and I came up with the idea that everyone (including myself) could improve their hostess skills in some way or another. So I will share with you the different things that I have learned either in books or by doing it wrong the first time.
Some things that I've read I totally disagree with, as you might disagree with some of the things that you read here. And some things on the other hand, have totally saved my life.
First and foremost, it is indeed so true that first impressions are everything, and I mean from the very first minute. I believe that the way you greet a guest at the door, gives them either the immediate feeling of being comfortable and relaxed or instantly ill at ease and uncomfortable.
Answer the door yourself if at all possible. Nothing is more awkward than all your kids running to the door and opening it, then having no clue what to say. So you guests are standing on the front porch feeling about as awkward as a human can feel.
Invite them in and show the kids where the fun is, then bring them into the kitchen with you and have some snacks and glasses of ice on the island. So they instantly feel as if they are at home in your home.
Ask questions about them and their day.
Don't hesitate to give the wife a job. I guarantee that she will feel more comfortable if she has something to occupy her hands.
Make sure that you've already prepared anything that might be time consuming or stressful, so that while you're visiting, you're not doing anything more than tossing a salad or frosting a cake.
This way you are able to concentrate on conversation and your guests instead of the gravy that won't thicken, or the chicken that won't finish getting done.
As for the table, my favorite is to put the kids in one spot, either another table or on a blanket in the playroom. This will cut down on the chaos, and also the stress of either you or your company being afraid that your children will misbehave.
Set the table with your nice things, but not so nice that the feeling is too formal. You want your company to feel that they are special without you looking pretentious. Try three small vases of beautiful flowers in the center. Not so tall that you can't see each other, but enough to bring some cheer to the table.
Candles can certainly be nice, but again sometimes too formal.
I would suggest saving the nicest china and candles for an adult dinner party. I've always wanted to have one, but just never quite gotten around to it. Ah well, there will be many years ahead to have adult only dinner parties.
Now as far as clean up goes, I read this wonderful tip in a coupon book funnily enough. Be sure that you keep a sink full of hot sudsy water and let your dishes be soaking (of course after you have already run the dishwasher so it can be ready to fill later) while you're eating. Then after dinner, get up and put the food away and all the dishes in the sink. Unless of course your guest is gracious enough to offer to help clean up, then jump on that opportunity. But if not, then while your visiting, you're not worrying about the food rotting, or the plates getting all dry and nasty.
Put on a pot of coffee, and serve dessert down in the living room. This just seems to feel a little more inviting then sitting at the table all night.
Remember that your goal is to make your guest feel special and at home. Do whatever you can think of to accomplish this goal. Keep things real for them. The more real you are the more relaxed you will be and there by making your company feel more relaxed.
One more little thing that should have been put at the beginning. Avoid using your guests as guinea pigs for first time recipes. Be sure that you're using a tried and true menu to avoid any embarrassing trips to Cheddars. Speaking from experience:-(
That about wraps it up for today. Hope you enjoy reading this and hope it helps you in even a little way. Enjoy the snow folks. All to soon it will be scorching hot with the blazing sun shining and you will miss the quiet days of fluffy whiteness sifting down to the cold earth.
Bye for now!
I was thinking about what I would post yesterday, and I came up with the idea that everyone (including myself) could improve their hostess skills in some way or another. So I will share with you the different things that I have learned either in books or by doing it wrong the first time.
Some things that I've read I totally disagree with, as you might disagree with some of the things that you read here. And some things on the other hand, have totally saved my life.
First and foremost, it is indeed so true that first impressions are everything, and I mean from the very first minute. I believe that the way you greet a guest at the door, gives them either the immediate feeling of being comfortable and relaxed or instantly ill at ease and uncomfortable.
Answer the door yourself if at all possible. Nothing is more awkward than all your kids running to the door and opening it, then having no clue what to say. So you guests are standing on the front porch feeling about as awkward as a human can feel.
Invite them in and show the kids where the fun is, then bring them into the kitchen with you and have some snacks and glasses of ice on the island. So they instantly feel as if they are at home in your home.
Ask questions about them and their day.
Don't hesitate to give the wife a job. I guarantee that she will feel more comfortable if she has something to occupy her hands.
Make sure that you've already prepared anything that might be time consuming or stressful, so that while you're visiting, you're not doing anything more than tossing a salad or frosting a cake.
This way you are able to concentrate on conversation and your guests instead of the gravy that won't thicken, or the chicken that won't finish getting done.
As for the table, my favorite is to put the kids in one spot, either another table or on a blanket in the playroom. This will cut down on the chaos, and also the stress of either you or your company being afraid that your children will misbehave.
Set the table with your nice things, but not so nice that the feeling is too formal. You want your company to feel that they are special without you looking pretentious. Try three small vases of beautiful flowers in the center. Not so tall that you can't see each other, but enough to bring some cheer to the table.
Candles can certainly be nice, but again sometimes too formal.
I would suggest saving the nicest china and candles for an adult dinner party. I've always wanted to have one, but just never quite gotten around to it. Ah well, there will be many years ahead to have adult only dinner parties.
Now as far as clean up goes, I read this wonderful tip in a coupon book funnily enough. Be sure that you keep a sink full of hot sudsy water and let your dishes be soaking (of course after you have already run the dishwasher so it can be ready to fill later) while you're eating. Then after dinner, get up and put the food away and all the dishes in the sink. Unless of course your guest is gracious enough to offer to help clean up, then jump on that opportunity. But if not, then while your visiting, you're not worrying about the food rotting, or the plates getting all dry and nasty.
Put on a pot of coffee, and serve dessert down in the living room. This just seems to feel a little more inviting then sitting at the table all night.
Remember that your goal is to make your guest feel special and at home. Do whatever you can think of to accomplish this goal. Keep things real for them. The more real you are the more relaxed you will be and there by making your company feel more relaxed.
One more little thing that should have been put at the beginning. Avoid using your guests as guinea pigs for first time recipes. Be sure that you're using a tried and true menu to avoid any embarrassing trips to Cheddars. Speaking from experience:-(
That about wraps it up for today. Hope you enjoy reading this and hope it helps you in even a little way. Enjoy the snow folks. All to soon it will be scorching hot with the blazing sun shining and you will miss the quiet days of fluffy whiteness sifting down to the cold earth.
Bye for now!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Brief Respite

Due to an extremely busy week and weekend, I will not be posting again until next week. I have the most marvelous five days ahead of me that I will not be able to focus on cooking for a while. Mostly because I don't plan on doing much of it. I will give you our schedule and although to you busy folks out there, this might sound like the most uneventful weekend ever, please remember to consider that we never do ANYTHING!! Our one event for the week is Sunday morning church. My kids don't even wear shoes any other day because we're always here at home. Which amazingly enough, none of us seem to mind. We are all a bunch of homebodies and that suits us just fine.
Now back to my schedule. Today I am getting my sadly graying hair turned back to it's natural shade of sometimes blond and sometimes brown (depending of course on the weather and my mood). Then off for a fun night with the kids. At least, I hope it will be fun. We can't seem to agree on any activities even though there are many ideas on the table. Have you ever tried to entertain a twelve year old, a ten year old, a three year old, and two one year olds?
It is nearly impossible. The ideas being thrown out are: Incredible Pizza (and until flu season is over, I am not a fan of that place), Hinode, the mall (Ally's favorite idea), Chucky Cheese (Molly has been very loud in expressing a "YES" vote), bowling (ever tried to take three toddlers bowling?), and a movie (yea right!).
Then tomorrow is finishing up the last minute grocery shopping and packing for Jonny and me.
Friday Jonny and I leave the kids with Mom and Dad and get away for the weekend. We are going to spend Friday shopping for the new kitchen. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then dinner at my all time favorite, Oceans Zen.
From there on to the Walnut Street Bed and Breakfast. A beautiful place to stay, with fireplaces in the room and a skylight. Last time we stayed there it snowed, and it was perfect! I must admit that I am praying for a little snow this time too.
Saturday is shopping and lunch with Jonny and maybe a little flea marketing. We both love doing this.
Then Sunday church and maybe a long, long nap.
This sums up our weekend. I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Time for a Change
One thing you will discover the more that you read this, is that I like changing things on a regular basis. Hence the continuous change in color schemes around my house. I figured that it is cheaper to change my blog. So in celebration of spring which we know will eventually come, I have decided to freshen things up a bit. Hope you enjoy!
First and foremost let me express the deep gratitude I have felt over some very encouraging messages I have received from my readers. Being someone who depends far too much on words of affirmation, it has meant the world to me that you are reading and enjoying my blog. I have had so much fun writing it and it gets out some of the however many thousand words a day we females are said to utter.
I only have time for a quick post today because I have to go start the chili for chili dogs tonite for Superbowl Sunday. Maybe not the most original menu, but I am learning that men are not so very impressed if you bring down platters of homeade bread and thick slices of fresh chocolate cake as they are if you set out a couple of bowls of guacamole and some cold cokes.
So I will enjoy the rest from the kitchen today.
What are some things that you make for the superbowl?
I have to confess that I really care absolutely nothing for football and understand even less about it. I am pretty sure that it involves an odd shaped ball and several burly looking fellows.
I am much more exciting about the crafts that the kids are going to make tonight than I am about the noise that will be going on in the living room.
My last thoughts will be the recipe for the ham that I promised you that I wasn't able to make today due to three congested little ones.
Simply rub brown sugar all over the ham. Then pour on a can of coke. Using toothpicks, arrange pineapple slices all over the top and pop a cherry in each center. Then cover and bake for however many hours your ham suggests. Not only is this delicious, but it is absolutely gorgeous!!
Talk to you soon friends.
First and foremost let me express the deep gratitude I have felt over some very encouraging messages I have received from my readers. Being someone who depends far too much on words of affirmation, it has meant the world to me that you are reading and enjoying my blog. I have had so much fun writing it and it gets out some of the however many thousand words a day we females are said to utter.
I only have time for a quick post today because I have to go start the chili for chili dogs tonite for Superbowl Sunday. Maybe not the most original menu, but I am learning that men are not so very impressed if you bring down platters of homeade bread and thick slices of fresh chocolate cake as they are if you set out a couple of bowls of guacamole and some cold cokes.
So I will enjoy the rest from the kitchen today.
What are some things that you make for the superbowl?
I have to confess that I really care absolutely nothing for football and understand even less about it. I am pretty sure that it involves an odd shaped ball and several burly looking fellows.
I am much more exciting about the crafts that the kids are going to make tonight than I am about the noise that will be going on in the living room.
My last thoughts will be the recipe for the ham that I promised you that I wasn't able to make today due to three congested little ones.
Simply rub brown sugar all over the ham. Then pour on a can of coke. Using toothpicks, arrange pineapple slices all over the top and pop a cherry in each center. Then cover and bake for however many hours your ham suggests. Not only is this delicious, but it is absolutely gorgeous!!
Talk to you soon friends.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Popcorn Balls and Banana Pudding!

This morning for breakfast I made homemade bread, fried ham, potato cakes, and we had leftover cherry pie. I need summer to come if for no other reason than to stop having this insatiable urge to cook all the time! Bathing suits and fried ham just don't make a pretty pigeon pair.
I think this comes from mine and my girls love of reading Little House on the Prairie and watching Tales from Avonlea. They make being in the kitchen look so productive and like so much fun. So yesterday when we were sitting together watching Tales from Avonlea and watching Felicity cooking up ham and roast chicken and baking fresh cherry pies, we just had to get up and start our own superb dinner. And superb it was indeed!
Of course salty enough with all the fried chicken that everyone went to bed last night with cups of water by their beds. I like a little chicken with my salt.
Oh well, when summer comes I will get back to grilling chicken and veggies and hot dogs and hamburgers and making chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies and potato salad and asian coleslaw and guacamole and OH DEAR!
Maybe I do live by the motto "Die young make a pretty corpse".
On a more positive note, I went back to Dillons last night and here is my list:
4 boxes of Cheez-it's
5 boxes of Ritz crackers
1 bag lime Tostitoes
1 package Nestle chocolate chips
9 boxes of Colgate toothpaste
3 bags of bread
10 bags of frozen meatballs
10 packages Johnsonville sausages
5 cans Edge shaving gel
4 bottles of Franks hot sauce
6 bottles of French's mustard
2 bottles Suave lotion
Grand Total $192
After sales and coupons my total $55
Can I get a wowwie wow wow!!!!
Now for a couple of dessert recipes that my family loves.
Popcorn Balls (from the kitchen of Melahnie R)
Mix; 1 cup sugar, 3/4 cup karo syrup, 1/3 cup butter, in a pan and slowly boil for 1 minute. Take off heat and add 3/4 cup peanut butter. Stir well. Add 6 to 9 cups of freshly popped popcorn (not microwave). Stir and shape into balls.
Easy and delicious!!
Banana Pudding (my dad's all time favorite)
In a large mixing bowl, combine 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk and 1 & 1/2 cups cold water. Add 1 (3 & 1/2 ounce) box vanilla instant pudding. Mix well and refrigerate five minutes or until set.
Whip 2 cups heavy whipping cream until softly stiff.
Combine gently with pudding mixture. Layer in a trifle dish, pudding, vanilla wafers, bananas (I dip mine in Sprite to keep them from turning brown and it doesn't taste as strong as lemon juice). Then repeat and top with pudding and garnish with two or three cookies.
Goodbye for today my friends. I am off to play some board games with my girls.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
All the Comforts of Home
Right now I am sitting at my computer by the big window watching the beautiful snow while the soft music is playing in the living room, the chocolate cakes are cooling on the stove, homemade bread is rising near the warm oven, and the house is filled with the irresistible scents of different candles twinkling. Ally is in the kitchen making a cherry pie and a green bean casserole and all the babies are watching Lady and the Tramp. The fryer is sitting waiting for me to fill it with oil and start frying up all the chicken thawing in the sink.
It is indeed pleasant in the Jeppsen house today.
I cannot decide what else to put with this feast. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green bean casserole, bread, and cherry pie. Something seems to be missing. Maybe I'll fry up some apples with lots of butter and cinnamon.
Some people call me crazy because I love days like this so much. Days when the snow is flying, and the sky is gray, and it's colder that a cast iron toilet on the shady side of an iceburg. But this is why. The house feels so cozy and inviting. Coming in from the cold to hot coffee and fresh chocolate cake with the fireplace spreading it's cheery warmth all over the house.
Why wouldn't I like this time of year.
I will admit that I'm getting a little excited for spring and summer. For warm weather and a whole new host of cooking ideas. Everything from potato salad and deviled eggs to chocolate chip cookies and lemonade.
But for now, I will sit snug and cozy in the big chair by the fireplace and enjoy the soft fluffy snow falling quietly and keep on thinking up new warm and inviting ideas to share with you.
It is indeed pleasant in the Jeppsen house today.
I cannot decide what else to put with this feast. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green bean casserole, bread, and cherry pie. Something seems to be missing. Maybe I'll fry up some apples with lots of butter and cinnamon.
Some people call me crazy because I love days like this so much. Days when the snow is flying, and the sky is gray, and it's colder that a cast iron toilet on the shady side of an iceburg. But this is why. The house feels so cozy and inviting. Coming in from the cold to hot coffee and fresh chocolate cake with the fireplace spreading it's cheery warmth all over the house.
Why wouldn't I like this time of year.
I will admit that I'm getting a little excited for spring and summer. For warm weather and a whole new host of cooking ideas. Everything from potato salad and deviled eggs to chocolate chip cookies and lemonade.
But for now, I will sit snug and cozy in the big chair by the fireplace and enjoy the soft fluffy snow falling quietly and keep on thinking up new warm and inviting ideas to share with you.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
More ideas

Imagine this ceiling tile painted white. These adorable plates hanging on the wall. I'm telling you what, if Jonny started this tonite and finished it in the morning, it would still be too long for me!
Ahh, patience is a virtue I wish I had.
Due to indecent amounts of organizing and sorting and cleaning, my cooking has slacked off some. This week has started off with some quick easy recipes that don't necessarily taste near as good. Beef stew on Monday, stir fry last night (I was trying so hard to make it taste like Hinode but I failed miserably!), and jambalaya tonite. I do have a huge ham thawing in the fridge for this Sunday's lunch. Mom gave me a recipe using Coke and brown sugar with pineapples and cherries and ooh la la is it delicious! I will give you the recipe and the rest of Sunday's menu this weekend.
One of my family's favorite dishes is jambalaya. I really do love making this because you can make it however your family likes it. I use lots of sausage and shrimp in mine. With stewed tomatoes, chicken broth, garlic, and lots of Tony Cachera's.
The beef stew was not so good this week. I was trying to use up some leftovers and you could tell by the way it tasted.
As far as the stir fry, I think I will leave Asian cooking to the Asians. I'm pretty sure that they don't use instant rice for the fried rice. Not to mention the fact that the veggies tasted like I started cooking them the day before. Plus what is Japanese food with out yummy-yummy sauce. If you can't tell, one of our family's favorite restaurants is Hinode. Entertainment and delicious food all at one table. Those chefs know how to keep my kids attention better than television.
I really am tired of all the quick dinners. My mouth is really watering for a fried chicken dinner complete with mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli with cheese sauce, biscuits with honey, sweet tea, and sour cream chocolate cake.
Given the fact that I have about seventeen bags of chicken in the freezer and have done about everything around this house that I can think of, I think that will be the meal for tomorrow night.
My goals I have accomplished so far this week have been scrubbing both ovens to look like new, sorting through every piece of paper in the entire house and filing it away, washing ALL the bed linens, and vaccuming the mattresses. Very productive week thus far.
Hope you are having a marvelous week!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Coupon tips and more recipes to clog your arteries
This morning I woke up and started peeling potatoes and onions. Then I put them into a big pot with some leftover stir fry meat and cut up carrots with lots of beef bouillon and some onion soup mix. Now it is bubbling on the stove and filling this house with it's rich beefy smell and I have the peace of mind all day, that dinner is already made! I need to do this more often.
I just realized what I will blog about tomorrow! Crock pot recipes and other things that you start in the morning. Today I will answer a couple of questions about couponing and then I have some very unhealthy recipes for you.
As far as the couponing thing goes, I get most of my coupons from the Kansas City Paper because that is the biggest one available here. But I also get many from,, and There are also alot of coupons in the All You magazine sold at Wal-Mart.
The stores I shop at most frequently are Dillon's, CVS, and you can even do well sometimes at Wal-Mart. Walgreens is a good spot too just not one of my personal favorites. Find the store nearest you that doubles coupons and then watch for their sales. The trick is to combine coupons with sales. That's when you really hit the jackpot.
There are some great websites out there such as, and There are many more but these are the two that I watch the most. They will tell you step by step what stores have the great deals and what coupons to combine to get the most for your money.
Feel free to ask more question. This is one of my all time favorite subject and I love helping people get started with it.
Now for the three recipes. Today I will introduce to you; Smothered Steak, Chicken Continental, and Chocolate Pie. Don't ask me where these recipes come from. My mom has been making them ever since I can remember.
Smothered Steak: Dip salted cube steak into flour with a little pepper and fry till done. After letting dry on a paper towel, place steak in a casserole dish in a single layer. Pour off some of the grease from the frying pan and save the drippings and crusties on the bottom. Add cream of mushroom soup ( I usually do a large pan of steak so I use about two large cans of soup) and whisk together to make a rich looking gravy. Pour over steak. Saute an onion and a bell pepper in pan until soft and arrange over top of gravy. Bake at 350 degrees for about thirty minutes or until bubbly.
Can you feel your arteries clogging right now? Just wait...
Chicken Continental: Place dried beef all over the bottom of a casserole dish. Wrap boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a piece of soft cooked bacon. Arrange over dried beef. Mix equal parts sour cream and cream of mushroom soup in a large bowl and add a little flour to keep from being to runny. Pour over chicken and bake at 350 degrees about an hour.
Chocolate Pie: Combine one stick melted butter with one cup flour and 1/2 cup chopped pecans. Press into bottom of casserole dish and bake @ 375 degrees for about 15 minutes then allow to cool completely.
In a mixing bowl, beat 8 oz softened cream cheese, one cup powdered sugar, and one cup cool whip. Spread over crust.
Mix one large box chocolate INSTANT pudding mix and 2 & 2/3 cup milk. Pour over cream cheese mixture.
Cover all three layers with cool whip and top with chopped pecans. Refrigerate.
I hope these work as well for your family as they do for ours. These are some of our all time favorites.
More on the kitchen remodel later!
I just realized what I will blog about tomorrow! Crock pot recipes and other things that you start in the morning. Today I will answer a couple of questions about couponing and then I have some very unhealthy recipes for you.
As far as the couponing thing goes, I get most of my coupons from the Kansas City Paper because that is the biggest one available here. But I also get many from,, and There are also alot of coupons in the All You magazine sold at Wal-Mart.
The stores I shop at most frequently are Dillon's, CVS, and you can even do well sometimes at Wal-Mart. Walgreens is a good spot too just not one of my personal favorites. Find the store nearest you that doubles coupons and then watch for their sales. The trick is to combine coupons with sales. That's when you really hit the jackpot.
There are some great websites out there such as, and There are many more but these are the two that I watch the most. They will tell you step by step what stores have the great deals and what coupons to combine to get the most for your money.
Feel free to ask more question. This is one of my all time favorite subject and I love helping people get started with it.
Now for the three recipes. Today I will introduce to you; Smothered Steak, Chicken Continental, and Chocolate Pie. Don't ask me where these recipes come from. My mom has been making them ever since I can remember.
Smothered Steak: Dip salted cube steak into flour with a little pepper and fry till done. After letting dry on a paper towel, place steak in a casserole dish in a single layer. Pour off some of the grease from the frying pan and save the drippings and crusties on the bottom. Add cream of mushroom soup ( I usually do a large pan of steak so I use about two large cans of soup) and whisk together to make a rich looking gravy. Pour over steak. Saute an onion and a bell pepper in pan until soft and arrange over top of gravy. Bake at 350 degrees for about thirty minutes or until bubbly.
Can you feel your arteries clogging right now? Just wait...
Chicken Continental: Place dried beef all over the bottom of a casserole dish. Wrap boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a piece of soft cooked bacon. Arrange over dried beef. Mix equal parts sour cream and cream of mushroom soup in a large bowl and add a little flour to keep from being to runny. Pour over chicken and bake at 350 degrees about an hour.
Chocolate Pie: Combine one stick melted butter with one cup flour and 1/2 cup chopped pecans. Press into bottom of casserole dish and bake @ 375 degrees for about 15 minutes then allow to cool completely.
In a mixing bowl, beat 8 oz softened cream cheese, one cup powdered sugar, and one cup cool whip. Spread over crust.
Mix one large box chocolate INSTANT pudding mix and 2 & 2/3 cup milk. Pour over cream cheese mixture.
Cover all three layers with cool whip and top with chopped pecans. Refrigerate.
I hope these work as well for your family as they do for ours. These are some of our all time favorites.
More on the kitchen remodel later!
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