I have been running like crazy all day long! Up first thing this morning trying to stick with my no grocery shopping rule and use up food that will go bad soon. So I made pamcakes (and no I didn't misspell this word. Look up my blog about breakfast.) and bacon because the buttermilk and the bacon were just about on the brink of trashing.
Then off to Hobby Lobby to find things for Molly's new room which I will be posting pictures of soon. We painted it today, and tomorrow will add the finishing touches.
Then ran multiple errands including the rather disappointing trip to the grocery store. I absolutely had to buy juice, bananas, grapes, eggs, dish washing liquid, and bread. But that is all I bought and that is going on three weeks without grocery shopping.
Then home to make sloppy joes for lunch. Painting all afternoon. Then grilled salmon (if your family likes salmon, then you absolutely have to make dill dip with it! Just sour cream, salt, and dill. Delicious!!!), pasta salad, and green beans for dinner. It is simply amazing to me all the possibilities I have been able to find in my pantry when I just set my mind to it.
Not to mention the fact that a man was here all afternoon splashing dry wall mud everywhere, and my boys just don't like having strangers here. They were down right cranky!
This is all for tonight. I am plum worn out, and have a busy, busy day tomorrow.
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