Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finally, Some Pictures!! Molly's New Room

Our house has been in a constant state of upheaval! Strangers coming in and out all the time, making huge messes and not cleaning them up. Thinking that this or that person will show up at this time and then they come the next day. My children being clingy and feeling uneasy. Having our kitchen roped off so that we can't use it. I will not even try to tell you what we've been eating for the past two days, because it involves Subway, Chic-Fil-A, and Chili's and very little home cooking (unless of course you consider peanut butter sandwiches and scrambled eggs home cooking).
I did finish Molly's room and absolutely LOVE it!! It only took about a day, although I still need to paint the closet doors. I'm hoping that tonight, Jonny will finish the paper in the bathroom and then I will post pictures of that as well.

For all you recipes hunters out there, you will have to wait until the kitchen is done for anymore additions to your recipe file. My mind is so consumed with remodeling, that is all I can do to remember to brush my teeth anymore!
I eat, sleep, breath, and dream remodeling. It seems to be that funny sort of word that gets stuck in your head and the more you say it, the funnier it sounds.

Still can't decide if I want to paint the base of the island red. I would LOVE your opinion. The floor will be pale turquoise, the fireplace black, the wallpaper is white with thin black flowers, the accents are red and turquoise, the cabinets and counter tops are white, and the back splash is white and black. What do you think? Red or white? The thing to remember is that if it's white, it will be filthy because the kids sit there to eat, and they kick their grimy little feet all over it.
My mind is soooo tired of thinking of details that I would love your thoughts. Feel free to suggest another color if you think of one.
Have to run now. We're SUPPOSE to have a drywaller coming this afternoon (although to me, by 4:30 afternoon is over) and I need to prepare my boys for more scary strangers. By the way, so sorry about the one blurry picture. I can't for the life of me, figure out how to erase a picture once I've put it on here! I'm sure it's pretty obvious but I just couldn't find it.
Thank you so much letting me spill my thoughts that are all jumbled up in my head. Bye now!

1 comment:

  1. Is your kitchen done? is the island red? (it should be!) I'd love to see pictures - it sounds incredibly worth the wait!
