Let me start by apologizing for my lousy spelling in my last title. Funnily enough, no one told me that "whetting" was misspelled. I was doing laundry the next day and thinking about my post (I have a bad habit of going over my blogs later in my head, making sure there are no mistakes or I didn't forget anything), when with shock and horror I realized that I totally misspelled wet!
Oh well, it's not like I'm a teacher or anything. Oh dear, I guess I am. Well let's hope I'm better with math than I am at spelling.
On with the point here. I am so desperately ready to share some of my favorite summer time recipes with you, but I am determined to wait until it is above fifty degrees. I was thinking this morning "What recipes should I start with?" Some of the dishes I get the most compliments on, I have opted to keep a "Jeppsen family secret". But today I asked myself, why. Why have such a wonderful recipe and then not share it with others? So I have decided to give out for the first time ever, the recipes for some of my favorite summer dishes.
There are however, two that I am not allowed to share with you, as they are not Jeppsen recipes, but Gray recipes and they have been handed down through birth or marriage only.
These are baked beans and the secret sauce for hamburgers.
My own two special secrets will be potato salad and guacamole. Not today though. As soon as it gets warm I promise to get right on here and share them with you. Only keep in mind, that I NEVER measure anything out when I make them. Every time it is done through taste and error.
Some other favorites that I can't wait to pass on: Lemonade Pie (best dessert ever!!!),
strawberry soup, chicken salad, deviled eggs, tuna fish (I promise that you will like this one!), creamy fruit salad, and my own way of frying chicken.
On another note, I had the best day today with Meg and Molly! We went to Target, Hobby Lobby, (no matter what it is that I'm looking for, I always seem to end up at these two stores), lunch at Panera, and then to Petsmart to hold all the birds, puppies, mice (gross), ferrets (again gross), and every other type of little fuzzy thing. They had the best time, and I had the best time watching them. Especially when Molly felt my purse on her back and thought it was a bird. She screamed like no good child should ever scream in public. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't see straight. Days like these seem so far and few between, but I so enjoy them.
I really should go start the ironing again. Does it seem to you that I do this too often? Me too!
What I really want to do is go find more yard sale stuff!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Whetting your whistle

So I thought I'd better return to my original intent with this blog and share a few recipes with you. But given the fact that me and my kitchen are becoming increasingly less familiar with each other, I've had to reach down pretty far to come up with an idea. I will tell you that I'm so proud of myself. Last Friday I realized how crazy and torn up my house has been, and that dinner has been a rather iffy occurrence. Canned soup or fast food. So I took the bag of thawed chicken I had in the fridge and boiled the whole thing up. Then I made a huge dish of sour cream enchiladas and another huge dish of chicken and rice. Then I popped both into the fridge and made the enchiladas Saturday and the chicken and rice is for tonight. I made sure there were enough for lots of leftovers too. These are two of the three dishes that Jonny will eat leftover. "Genius" I was calling myself!
For any of you newbies reading this, I have the recipe for both of these dishes in my post "The More the Merrier".
I thought I would list some punch recipes, some refreshing drinks, some hot drinks, a great smoothie, and tell you "Northerners" just exactly how you make sweet tea.
As far as punch goes, my all time favorite albeit a trifle girlie, is Hawaiian Punch with 7-up and raspberry sherbet. Simply pour equal amounts of both liquids and pop in a few scoop of sherbet. So sweet and delicious! Not to mention pretty.
Another one is white grape juice, club soda, and sprite. Much more elegant looking and rather beautiful in a clear punch cup with all of it's bubbles.
I also discovered a couple of years ago that a delicious easy drink to serve in the summer, is a can or two of frozen flavored lemonade and instead of adding three cans of water, add three cans of club soda. Delicious!!
Now for a smoothie recipe. I will have to admit to you that I found those frozen Yoplait smoothie kits on sale at Wal-Mart and I had coupons as well. I stocked up on ten of them and they are quite remarkable. But as far as a homeade recipe goes, here's one from Good Housekeeping about thirteen years ago.
Cool Summer Smoothie
8 ounces strawberry yogurt
1/2 tub Cool Whip
1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries
Blend until smooth
Here's another one
Sparkling Grape Juice-Lemonade
1 bunch seedless grapes (about 1/3 pound)
1 (750ml) bottle sparkling white grape juice, chilled
1/4 cup thawed frozen lemonade concentrate
Place grapes in a zip-top plastic bag. Seal (duh). Do not remove grapes from stems. Freeze completely, about four hours.
Gently stir together grape juice and lemonade in a large pitcher. Add frozen grapes to pitcher. Serve immediately.
Sparkling Wine-Fruit Refresher (sans wine)
1 cup Sprite chilled
1 cup assorted berries
1 (6 ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate, thawed
1/4 cup loosely packed fresh mint or basil leaves, torn
3 (12 ounce) cans orange flavored sparkling water chilled
Combine first four ingredients in a large pitcher. Gently stir in sparkling water. Serve immediately.
Now if you're in the mood for something a little warmer and spicier here is an old recipe for Instant Hot Spice Tea.
1/2 cup instant tea
2 cups Tang
2 cups sugar
2 packages Wylers lemonade mix
1 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp cinnamon
Mix. Use a couple of heaping teaspoons in a mug of hot water.
This recipe is rather interesting, and you may have to tweak it a little. I cannot find Wylers lemonade and have never figured out if should be sweetened or not. Also that seems like a whole lot of Tang to me. But it a nice drink for one of these many nasty days we've had lately.
As far as the sweet tea goes, McAllisters doesn't have to be the only place to get good tea around here. You can make it yourself and it is extremely easy. Simply put three large tea bags in a four cup glass measuring cup filled with water. Microwave 5 to 8 minutes or until really dark. Then in a gallon pitcher filled about 1/4 of the way with cold water, add 1 cup of sugar (my Nonny adds alot more than that, but I have found that most of you don't like it that sweet at all). Stir until dissolved then pour in tea. Keep adding cold water to the tea bags until your pitcher is full.
And there you go!
I have heard from several of you that you cannot comment on here because of all the steps you have to go through. I have tried to modify this so that anyone can comment. Let me know if you're still having a problem.
Hope you enjoy this and that you find a couple of favorites for your family!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Three new rooms done!
Not much to say tonight due to extreme exhaustion. I painted flowers last night for five and a half hours. I am so grateful to my husband who just never seems to get tired of working around here. He has done more this week than most men could do in a month. Aside from the hallway which is being mudded and sanded as we speak, the upstairs is completely done. Well not counting painting Molly's one closet door and painting the girls dresser pink. A wonderful feeling! By the way, more news on the yard sale. It is scheduled for not this upcoming Thursday but the next. I believe that's the 25th through the 27th. However it will not be here at my house due to the remodel. But about a mile and a half away at a friends house. Call, facebook, or comment here if you want directions. It is just off Battlefield and Lone Pine. Very easy to get to. Trust me when I say that it will be worth your while. Between all of us, there should be some great stuff!
So sorry about the quality of the pictures above. I am certainly not a photographer. But many of you have asked for pictures so this is my best effort. The black and silver is the hall bath. The flowered room is Ally and Meg's room and the purple bathroom is the girls bath off of their room. My personal favorite thing about the girls room is the quilt on the bed. My grandma made it for me and tucking my children underneath it each night, is about the sweetest feeling I've ever known. Must scurry now to finish folding the neverending pile of laundry. Good night all!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Finally, Some Pictures!! Molly's New Room
Our house has been in a constant state of upheaval! Strangers coming in and out all the time, making huge messes and not cleaning them up. Thinking that this or that person will show up at this time and then they come the next day. My children being clingy and feeling uneasy. Having our kitchen roped off so that we can't use it. I will not even try to tell you what we've been eating for the past two days, because it involves Subway, Chic-Fil-A, and Chili's and very little home cooking (unless of course you consider peanut butter sandwiches and scrambled eggs home cooking).
I did finish Molly's room and absolutely LOVE it!! It only took about a day, although I still need to paint the closet doors. I'm hoping that tonight, Jonny will finish the paper in the bathroom and then I will post pictures of that as well.
For all you recipes hunters out there, you will have to wait until the kitchen is done for anymore additions to your recipe file. My mind is so consumed with remodeling, that is all I can do to remember to brush my teeth anymore!
I eat, sleep, breath, and dream remodeling. It seems to be that funny sort of word that gets stuck in your head and the more you say it, the funnier it sounds.
Still can't decide if I want to paint the base of the island red. I would LOVE your opinion. The floor will be pale turquoise, the fireplace black, the wallpaper is white with thin black flowers, the accents are red and turquoise, the cabinets and counter tops are white, and the back splash is white and black. What do you think? Red or white? The thing to remember is that if it's white, it will be filthy because the kids sit there to eat, and they kick their grimy little feet all over it.
My mind is soooo tired of thinking of details that I would love your thoughts. Feel free to suggest another color if you think of one.
Have to run now. We're SUPPOSE to have a drywaller coming this afternoon (although to me, by 4:30 afternoon is over) and I need to prepare my boys for more scary strangers. By the way, so sorry about the one blurry picture. I can't for the life of me, figure out how to erase a picture once I've put it on here! I'm sure it's pretty obvious but I just couldn't find it.
Thank you so much letting me spill my thoughts that are all jumbled up in my head. Bye now!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Just another day in the Jeppsen house
I have been running like crazy all day long! Up first thing this morning trying to stick with my no grocery shopping rule and use up food that will go bad soon. So I made pamcakes (and no I didn't misspell this word. Look up my blog about breakfast.) and bacon because the buttermilk and the bacon were just about on the brink of trashing.
Then off to Hobby Lobby to find things for Molly's new room which I will be posting pictures of soon. We painted it today, and tomorrow will add the finishing touches.
Then ran multiple errands including the rather disappointing trip to the grocery store. I absolutely had to buy juice, bananas, grapes, eggs, dish washing liquid, and bread. But that is all I bought and that is going on three weeks without grocery shopping.
Then home to make sloppy joes for lunch. Painting all afternoon. Then grilled salmon (if your family likes salmon, then you absolutely have to make dill dip with it! Just sour cream, salt, and dill. Delicious!!!), pasta salad, and green beans for dinner. It is simply amazing to me all the possibilities I have been able to find in my pantry when I just set my mind to it.
Not to mention the fact that a man was here all afternoon splashing dry wall mud everywhere, and my boys just don't like having strangers here. They were down right cranky!
This is all for tonight. I am plum worn out, and have a busy, busy day tomorrow.
Then off to Hobby Lobby to find things for Molly's new room which I will be posting pictures of soon. We painted it today, and tomorrow will add the finishing touches.
Then ran multiple errands including the rather disappointing trip to the grocery store. I absolutely had to buy juice, bananas, grapes, eggs, dish washing liquid, and bread. But that is all I bought and that is going on three weeks without grocery shopping.
Then home to make sloppy joes for lunch. Painting all afternoon. Then grilled salmon (if your family likes salmon, then you absolutely have to make dill dip with it! Just sour cream, salt, and dill. Delicious!!!), pasta salad, and green beans for dinner. It is simply amazing to me all the possibilities I have been able to find in my pantry when I just set my mind to it.
Not to mention the fact that a man was here all afternoon splashing dry wall mud everywhere, and my boys just don't like having strangers here. They were down right cranky!
This is all for tonight. I am plum worn out, and have a busy, busy day tomorrow.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Three new recipes for you! Simple and Delicious!!
Still working on cleaning out my pantry and fridge and today was a really good exercise in self-control (in other words, not running to Chick-Fil-A).
For breakfast we had scrambled eggs with shredded Parmesan and whole wheat toast. For lunch we ate up whatever leftovers we had in the fridge, different kinds of chicken, sliced tomato, pickles, carrots and ranch. For dinner the first of the three recipes.
I was cleaning out the outside fridge when I discovered all the leftover ham from a couple of weeks ago. Mom assured me that ham lasts for quite a while, so after both of us smelling it to be sure, we concluded that it was indeed safe for people.
Anyway I cut this up into bite size pieces. Then in a large stock pot, I dumped every kind of canned bean that I had on hand (not green beans of course). My personal favorites are black, northern, and pinto. I really don't care a fig for kidney beans. To dense for my taste buds. I didn't have enough black beans today so I added a can of chili beans as well. Then I dump in all the ham, and add onion (dried or fresh) salt and pepper, and enough water to make a nice soup. My favorite thing about this recipe is that I put it on in the morning, and it simmers all day long christening the house with it's flavorful aroma and giving me the peace of mind that dinner is taken care of. I just add water every couple of hours. Trust me, even if your family doesn't care for beans, they will love this recipe. It is one of my family's favorites. Tonight I made a pot of brown rice (not instant) and poured the bean soup over that. It was amazing!! Not to mention easy and cheap! In my opinion easy, cheap, and delicious is the magic combination in the life of every mom.
The other two recipes I tried for the first time last week, and they were both quite amazing, not to mention quick and easy.
The corn recipe is from allrecipes.com
Corn Casserole II
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8 x 12 casserole dish. In a mixing bowl combine 1 can cream style corn, 1 can niblet style corn (I used regular) drained, 2 eggs, 1 cup sour cream, 1 (8.5 ounce) box dry corn bread (Jiffy was perfect), and 1/2 cup melted butter. Pour into prepared dish. Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese. Return to oven and bake for 15 more minutes or until center is firm.
Now a few weeks back, I told you about a corn pudding that I tried that was rather nasty. This wasn't like that at all. It was more like a really moist cornbread casserole. One of my favorite casseroles that I've ever made.
Crunchy Baked Chicken
In a shallow bowl, whisk 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of milk. In another shallow bowl, combine 1 (2.8 ounce) can french-fried onions, 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1/4 cup dry breadcrumbs, 1 tsp paprika, 1/2 tsp salt, and dash of pepper. Pound 3 to 4 pounds chicken breasts until nice and flat. Dip in egg mixture then in onion mixture. Place in a greased 13 x 9" baking dish. Drizzle with 1/4 cup melted butter. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes or until juices run clear.
Now you may be wondering what happened to eating healthy. Well this chicken was my version of healthy. My original thought was "Baked has to be better then fried!"
That was before I got to the "drizzle with butter" part.
By that time, I was in too deep. I will tell you that it was amazing! So tender and flavorful and didn't take any time at all to prepare. This meal was also very cheap for me given that I keep these things in my pantry at all times. The french-fried onions are actually kind of a funny story. Right after I started couponing, I discovered that Dillon's had French's Fried Onions on clearance. So I ran for my coupon folder and discovered that I had twelve coupons for $1 off. So I bought twelve large cans of French's Fried Onions and now, one year later, am still trying to find good uses for these things!
Hope these great recipes work out for you and that you enjoy the thrill of making something new!
For breakfast we had scrambled eggs with shredded Parmesan and whole wheat toast. For lunch we ate up whatever leftovers we had in the fridge, different kinds of chicken, sliced tomato, pickles, carrots and ranch. For dinner the first of the three recipes.
I was cleaning out the outside fridge when I discovered all the leftover ham from a couple of weeks ago. Mom assured me that ham lasts for quite a while, so after both of us smelling it to be sure, we concluded that it was indeed safe for people.
Anyway I cut this up into bite size pieces. Then in a large stock pot, I dumped every kind of canned bean that I had on hand (not green beans of course). My personal favorites are black, northern, and pinto. I really don't care a fig for kidney beans. To dense for my taste buds. I didn't have enough black beans today so I added a can of chili beans as well. Then I dump in all the ham, and add onion (dried or fresh) salt and pepper, and enough water to make a nice soup. My favorite thing about this recipe is that I put it on in the morning, and it simmers all day long christening the house with it's flavorful aroma and giving me the peace of mind that dinner is taken care of. I just add water every couple of hours. Trust me, even if your family doesn't care for beans, they will love this recipe. It is one of my family's favorites. Tonight I made a pot of brown rice (not instant) and poured the bean soup over that. It was amazing!! Not to mention easy and cheap! In my opinion easy, cheap, and delicious is the magic combination in the life of every mom.
The other two recipes I tried for the first time last week, and they were both quite amazing, not to mention quick and easy.
The corn recipe is from allrecipes.com
Corn Casserole II
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8 x 12 casserole dish. In a mixing bowl combine 1 can cream style corn, 1 can niblet style corn (I used regular) drained, 2 eggs, 1 cup sour cream, 1 (8.5 ounce) box dry corn bread (Jiffy was perfect), and 1/2 cup melted butter. Pour into prepared dish. Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese. Return to oven and bake for 15 more minutes or until center is firm.
Now a few weeks back, I told you about a corn pudding that I tried that was rather nasty. This wasn't like that at all. It was more like a really moist cornbread casserole. One of my favorite casseroles that I've ever made.
Crunchy Baked Chicken
In a shallow bowl, whisk 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of milk. In another shallow bowl, combine 1 (2.8 ounce) can french-fried onions, 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1/4 cup dry breadcrumbs, 1 tsp paprika, 1/2 tsp salt, and dash of pepper. Pound 3 to 4 pounds chicken breasts until nice and flat. Dip in egg mixture then in onion mixture. Place in a greased 13 x 9" baking dish. Drizzle with 1/4 cup melted butter. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes or until juices run clear.
Now you may be wondering what happened to eating healthy. Well this chicken was my version of healthy. My original thought was "Baked has to be better then fried!"
That was before I got to the "drizzle with butter" part.
By that time, I was in too deep. I will tell you that it was amazing! So tender and flavorful and didn't take any time at all to prepare. This meal was also very cheap for me given that I keep these things in my pantry at all times. The french-fried onions are actually kind of a funny story. Right after I started couponing, I discovered that Dillon's had French's Fried Onions on clearance. So I ran for my coupon folder and discovered that I had twelve coupons for $1 off. So I bought twelve large cans of French's Fried Onions and now, one year later, am still trying to find good uses for these things!
Hope these great recipes work out for you and that you enjoy the thrill of making something new!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Chaos and Jen do not go together well!
No indeed!! In fact we are a terrible match. Life has been utterly crazy compared to our rather hum drum stay at home and do school and cleaning and laundry type of life.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up with my promise to post our menu these last few days. But Jonny announced Friday, that he was going to continue the tearing down process in the hall and that it would be better for us to not be around. So I loaded up the kids for what I thought was an afternoon at Mom and Dad's and in fact turned out to be a weekend. As a matter of fact, we just got in tonight.
My house is torn apart between remodeling and yard sale paraphernalia and I just don't like it.
How am I ever going to survive the next month?? I can't even imagine!
The good news is that the cabinet people are planning on building our new cabinets this week, so the plan is for Jonny to tear out our kitchen next weekend. We are planning on moving in with Mom and Dad again except this time for a whole week.
It is a good thing they love us so much!
I'm so sorry to tell you, but I'm afraid the grocery shopping plan is rather messed up.
I am planning on trying to eat out the pantry alot this week. But given that we are not being able to stay here very much, and Mom and Dad don't have a pantry stocked up for little folks, I am going to be having to live day to day for the next couple of weeks.
I would love to say that I will keep you posted with what we are doing but I know better now than to promise that.
Here is my honey-do-list:
Finish tile and paint in girls bath
Finish wallpapering, tiling, and painting hall bath
Drywall and paint hallway
Paint Molly's room
Paint girls room and some of their furniture
Remodel kitchen (of course!)
Remodel downstairs bath (it is not even usable)
Paint two yellow walls green in family room
New floors in family room
Re tile fireplace
Paint piano and armoire
Re-cover red chair
And these are only the big things!!
I have been accused of being a work horse and after reading this list, I'm starting to believe this accusation. As you can see, we have a very long spring in front of us!
On a different note, I found two marvelous recipes that are extremely easy and delicious, but I don't have time to give them to you tonight. I will try my hardest to get on that either tomorrow or the next day.
Hope you had a wonderful day of rest today and that God ministered to you as lovingly as He ministered to me.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up with my promise to post our menu these last few days. But Jonny announced Friday, that he was going to continue the tearing down process in the hall and that it would be better for us to not be around. So I loaded up the kids for what I thought was an afternoon at Mom and Dad's and in fact turned out to be a weekend. As a matter of fact, we just got in tonight.
My house is torn apart between remodeling and yard sale paraphernalia and I just don't like it.
How am I ever going to survive the next month?? I can't even imagine!
The good news is that the cabinet people are planning on building our new cabinets this week, so the plan is for Jonny to tear out our kitchen next weekend. We are planning on moving in with Mom and Dad again except this time for a whole week.
It is a good thing they love us so much!
I'm so sorry to tell you, but I'm afraid the grocery shopping plan is rather messed up.
I am planning on trying to eat out the pantry alot this week. But given that we are not being able to stay here very much, and Mom and Dad don't have a pantry stocked up for little folks, I am going to be having to live day to day for the next couple of weeks.
I would love to say that I will keep you posted with what we are doing but I know better now than to promise that.
Here is my honey-do-list:
Finish tile and paint in girls bath
Finish wallpapering, tiling, and painting hall bath
Drywall and paint hallway
Paint Molly's room
Paint girls room and some of their furniture
Remodel kitchen (of course!)
Remodel downstairs bath (it is not even usable)
Paint two yellow walls green in family room
New floors in family room
Re tile fireplace
Paint piano and armoire
Re-cover red chair
And these are only the big things!!
I have been accused of being a work horse and after reading this list, I'm starting to believe this accusation. As you can see, we have a very long spring in front of us!
On a different note, I found two marvelous recipes that are extremely easy and delicious, but I don't have time to give them to you tonight. I will try my hardest to get on that either tomorrow or the next day.
Hope you had a wonderful day of rest today and that God ministered to you as lovingly as He ministered to me.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
A little bragging and a little confessing
So maybe day one was not the biggest success story every written. We started off well, bananas and toast for breakfast and grilled chicken salads with mandarin oranges and sunflower seeds for lunch (peanut butter sandwiches for the babies). But then I got a little carried away with organizing and ironing, and dinner time snuck up on me. I did actually have a bag of chicken thawing in the sink. But Jonny walked in at five o'clock starving to death, and I only had four pieces of ironing left. My cardinal rule is "Never put the ironing board away until the last piece is done" or else I won't pull it back out for another two weeks.
So he proposed we order pizza.
As far as the healthiness of the night went, I must admit I was rather proud of myself. He ordered a thin crust pepperoni pizza and I only had two pieces. Plus I filled up on lots of salad.
I am determined however, to not get caught like that again. I simply have to go back to starting dinner while the babies are napping, so I only have to put on the finishing touches that evening.
The good part about the day was that the girls and I totally overhauled their room and came up with more clothes to get rid of than any child should have in their entire wardrobe. Plus we organized their closet with a shelf that I brought up from the playroom after I emptied if of all it's toys and they are now in the yard sale pile.
My genius Mom suggested that I start packing away the books and toys in the playroom, because for the life of me, I can't keep that room even a little bit picked up.
The boys have about fifty tools, fifteen balls, guns, bats, tons of cars, potato heads, legos, duplos, lincoln logs, hundreds of books, four large sets of little people, and who knows what else.
Not to mention Molly's dress up, tea sets, pots and pans, play food, and polly pockets, barbies, my little ponies, strawberry shortcake, and play-do.
Is it any wonder why we can't keep that room clean??
Especially considering that the boys favorite thing in the universe to do is dump everything out and hear it go crash, then walk off and leave it there for someone else to clean up.
So using the good sense that Mom raised me with, I listened to her advice and packed away about three fourths of their books and toys either for another day or for the yard sale.
I also finished the ridiculous pile of ironing and got it all put away. So here comes the sunshine, bring on the summer clothes!!!!!
So excited about the chore for the day!
So he proposed we order pizza.
As far as the healthiness of the night went, I must admit I was rather proud of myself. He ordered a thin crust pepperoni pizza and I only had two pieces. Plus I filled up on lots of salad.
I am determined however, to not get caught like that again. I simply have to go back to starting dinner while the babies are napping, so I only have to put on the finishing touches that evening.
The good part about the day was that the girls and I totally overhauled their room and came up with more clothes to get rid of than any child should have in their entire wardrobe. Plus we organized their closet with a shelf that I brought up from the playroom after I emptied if of all it's toys and they are now in the yard sale pile.
My genius Mom suggested that I start packing away the books and toys in the playroom, because for the life of me, I can't keep that room even a little bit picked up.
The boys have about fifty tools, fifteen balls, guns, bats, tons of cars, potato heads, legos, duplos, lincoln logs, hundreds of books, four large sets of little people, and who knows what else.
Not to mention Molly's dress up, tea sets, pots and pans, play food, and polly pockets, barbies, my little ponies, strawberry shortcake, and play-do.
Is it any wonder why we can't keep that room clean??
Especially considering that the boys favorite thing in the universe to do is dump everything out and hear it go crash, then walk off and leave it there for someone else to clean up.
So using the good sense that Mom raised me with, I listened to her advice and packed away about three fourths of their books and toys either for another day or for the yard sale.
I also finished the ridiculous pile of ironing and got it all put away. So here comes the sunshine, bring on the summer clothes!!!!!
So excited about the chore for the day!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Being Thrifty
I read this blog one time about this lady who was determined to not go grocery shopping for so many weeks. This totally intrigued me. I have a very well stocked freezer and pantry due to couponing and sale shopping, and I have been thinking about trying this. I would of course have to buy produce and milk, but other than that could I in fact go a month without grocery shopping one time?
As I was reading her post, I noticed that some days the menu was rather interesting but I bet that her family was still able to get full.
My reason for possibly considering this is because I am in the middle of multiple home improvements as you well know by now, and I would love to have the extra money to buy paint, a new rug, tile, and the many other things that keep coming up during a remodel.
Okay, I have talked myself into it! I am going to challenge myself to not go to the store for anything other than absolute emergencies!!
I will try to post each day what we are eating (as she did) so you can possibly be motivated to try it for yourself. I have found that it's always easier to try something if you have seen someone else be successful at it.
I am now so excited that I can hardly contain myself!!!!!
I have to run now and start the tremendously humongous pile of ironing that needs to be done today. I don't really mind it though because I am planning on watching the old Pride and Prejudice. It is six movies long, so it should last through the pile of ironing.
If I can do all of this today, then tomorrow I'm planning on starting the long but exciting process of sorting through summer clothes. Just another step closer to the yard sale!!
As I was reading her post, I noticed that some days the menu was rather interesting but I bet that her family was still able to get full.
My reason for possibly considering this is because I am in the middle of multiple home improvements as you well know by now, and I would love to have the extra money to buy paint, a new rug, tile, and the many other things that keep coming up during a remodel.
Okay, I have talked myself into it! I am going to challenge myself to not go to the store for anything other than absolute emergencies!!
I will try to post each day what we are eating (as she did) so you can possibly be motivated to try it for yourself. I have found that it's always easier to try something if you have seen someone else be successful at it.
I am now so excited that I can hardly contain myself!!!!!
I have to run now and start the tremendously humongous pile of ironing that needs to be done today. I don't really mind it though because I am planning on watching the old Pride and Prejudice. It is six movies long, so it should last through the pile of ironing.
If I can do all of this today, then tomorrow I'm planning on starting the long but exciting process of sorting through summer clothes. Just another step closer to the yard sale!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy!!
So sorry about the lack of recipes but I am far to busy to be cooking feasts! I am cleaning out every closet, drawer, shelf, rubbermaid, box, pantry, and anything else that can hold stuff. Getting ready for the biggest yard sale I've ever had!! I am selling everything from kids clothes to just about everything in my kitchen. Tons of books and toys. Games and decorations too! Don't know when this yard sale will take place just yet. I'm watching the weather for a super fantastic weekend with lots of sun and warmness. Sometime this months I hope, because my poor laundry room won't hold much more!
In the midst of all of this, Jonny has ripped out the wall beside my big staircase and is building a new rail so it will be open. Not to mention getting things ready for the kitchen remodel. My house is rather unpleasant right now between dust, torn out walls, and piles of stuff.
But whenever I'm tempted to scream with frustration about the mess, I just tell myself how gorgeous and uncluttered everything will be this summer. A new kitchen, bathroom, staircase, and all the new paint schemes I'm getting ready to try.
Have to run! There are books to go through and cabinets to empty!
Be sure and enjoy the warm weather thats suppose to be coming our way this weekend! I think we're going to the zoo!!
In the midst of all of this, Jonny has ripped out the wall beside my big staircase and is building a new rail so it will be open. Not to mention getting things ready for the kitchen remodel. My house is rather unpleasant right now between dust, torn out walls, and piles of stuff.
But whenever I'm tempted to scream with frustration about the mess, I just tell myself how gorgeous and uncluttered everything will be this summer. A new kitchen, bathroom, staircase, and all the new paint schemes I'm getting ready to try.
Have to run! There are books to go through and cabinets to empty!
Be sure and enjoy the warm weather thats suppose to be coming our way this weekend! I think we're going to the zoo!!
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