I really mean it tonite when I say that I will be brief. I know that I promise this frequently and never seem to uphold my bargain. I just seem to have so much to say!! And when I'm typing, nobody is interrupting me! So I just prattle on and on and then realize that I've been doing this for far too long!!! See, here I go again.
But while we're on the subject of talking, let's address lively conversation around the dinner table. To give you an idea of what talk around my table usually sounds like, I will share with you some of our conversations; "Will somebody grab the spanking spoon please." "You'd better open your mouth before I paddle your fanny!" "No Molly, when I said three more bites of peas, I didn't mean three more peas." "Somebody grab a towel!" "Sit down for the four-hundreth time!!" And so on and so on.
Sometimes we actually sit and have an actual conversation. I really do try to allow the girls this time to speak their minds and converse like adults. I do believe in children being respectful to adult conversation and listening more than talking, especially when company is present. But I've found that the table is sometimes the only time that everyone is sitting in the same room and facing each other. Perfect time to bring the girls up to date on current events in our country, or to talk to Dad about school that day, to brag about whatever incredible feat they accomplished, or to let me praise them in front of Dad about what marvelous helpers they were that day, or what delicious dish they cooked up.
I have found that sometimes as a mom, we have to encourage dinnertime conversation, or else we find ourselves all sitting there doing nothing but fussing at everyone to mind their manners or eat all their dinner. Sometimes I even will pre-think up ideas that will encourage lively, positive conversation.
Dinner time is so special to my children. They love to set the table with the fancy plates and linens. Sometimes we even light candles. And nothing makes dinner more special than cozy chit chat and cheerful laughter. I would encourage all of you to do everything you can to make your meals around the table a memorable experience for your family. And during those meals where no one is behaving, or no one likes what you've made, imagine the day that they all leave the nest, and you and your husband are sitting around your big table with only the two of you. I promise you that you will enjoy your chaos a little bit more!
Good night fellow Mom's, cooks, cleaners, nurses, teachers, counselors, seamstresses, and everything else that you do!
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