Hello there to all my friends taking the time to encourage me by reading my new blog. My reason for starting this blog, is not because I think I'm the best cook, but because I know how much ladies love seeing what everyone else is cooking for dinner.
Copycat you might call me for starting this right after Julie and Julia came out. But believe it or not, this idea came to me all on my own after marveling that all you have to do is post as your daily facebook status, what delicious casserole your cooking up for dinner, and instantly you have fourteen comments like "What is your recipe for that?" Or "Do your kids like this one?" Or "How long do you bake yours?"
Many of you have asked me how I can cook so much with so many "distractions",so I've decided to share with you the shortcuts, and helpful hints I've learned through trial, and much error.
I will be sharing with you my menu's, favorite recipes, ideas for making mealtime special, and favorite lines out of my wealth of cookbooks.
You in turn feel free to offer suggestions, new ideas, or questions.
I will try to post everyday, but given the fact that I am typing all of this out on my phone, well we'll see, is all I can promise.
For today I wish you happy snow and all the comforts your kitchen can afford you. For me, I'm off to thaw some chicken for tonight's menu of:Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, Steamed Broccoli, Hot Rolls, and Berry Dumpcake.
Great blog, Jen! You are right...it's fun to learn and hear of new recipes or techniques! Thanks for doing this!!
ReplyDeletecute blog jen:)