Monday, August 23, 2010

Time For School!!

Just to let you know what is going on with us, school has officially begun in the Jeppsen house.
This is my first year to teach three children and I have been a little concerned about the scheduling around here. I have been trying to figure out how I am going to teach both big girls their school, teach Molly how to write her name and read, keep the boys out of trouble and sufficiently entertained, clean house, do laundry, iron, grocery shop, cook, sort fall clothes, give each child the attention they need, etc. Not to mention running each morning, making sure that I have the time I need with God, and time to visit with Jonny.
The stress has gotten to me. But it is times like these that God steps in and gives us wisdom when we ask for it. This time He gave it to me in the form of my Mom and a very experienced couple that we are friends with. These people gave me the best advice on making sure that I am training their character before anything else, making sure not to be so hard on myself that I take no joy in this experience, and the best advice of all...realizing that God is able to equip them for the plans He has for them, even if I do not have the knowledge to give them all that they might need for these plans.

The burden that had been weighing down on me for some weeks, slowly began to lift and along with the burden being lifted, came the ability thus far, to be able to make things work.

Last night I made a schedule for the girls and put it on top of the books that they would need to work with today. My girls really like order and knowing what is expected of them.
This saved them having to come to me all day and ask what they should be doing next. They were able to work quietly all day only needing my help a couple of times.

This was my schedule today:
7:00- Up and at 'em (Me and the big girls)
Quiet time for me, the girls make bed, clean room, get dressed, read Bible
7:30- Boys up, Breakfast
8:00- Girls chores, Boys movie, Me laundry
8:45- Make sure little ones are dressed and house is in order
9:00- Girls schoolwork, Boys play time in the playroom, Me pay bills
10:00- Boys movie, Molly letters and counting
10:30- Boys quiet reading time, Molly flash cards
11:00- All kids outside for half hour, me more quiet time ( I needed more than usual today)
11:30- Girls schoolwork, little kids play together in the bedroom
12:00- Lunch for the little ones then down for a LONG nap
12:30- Lunch with girls and a little TV
1:00- Girls more school, Molly movie, me laundry

That is basically all that was scheduled for today. The girls finished school at about 3:00, boys napped until 3:30, Molly played outside or in her room, and I made dinner and checked schoolwork.
The day was good but extremely long. I'm afraid that bedtime for the entire family is going to come shortly after this post is completed.
Due to this rather busy schedule, I'm afraid that for at least a little while, blogs will continue to be few and far between. Just during this one, I have been interrupted about seven hundred times! Good luck to all you out there who are either just sending all their kids off to school, just starting school at your own house, or taking care of your homes and husbands as summer comes to a close.
Hope to talk to you soon:~)

1 comment:

  1. When we are stretched beyond our capability, then God gets the credit for the help we so desperately need. I believe God was glorified in this blog. Love you, Mom
