A million apologies sweet readers! I have been living between two houses for the past two and a half weeks and am not quite done with the going back and forth yet. The kitchen is getting closer and closer every day, but is in no way done yet. I have beautiful white cabinets, a bright red back door and island, a white fireplace, a stainless steel pot rack, partially finished marble tile counter tops, and a mess. I am able to tell at this point, that this kitchen is going to be B..E..A...utiful!!! But whatever you do, do not drop in on me for a peek just yet! I would be mortified for you to see the mess. I need an idea on what kind of an event to have for letting you have a look when it's all done. Open house? Afternoon tea? I have to say that my brain is so tired from all the little details that frankly, I don't really have an really care about, such as, what size do I want the trim, or what type of wood should the floor be made of, or what kind of hardware do I want inside the cabinet doors? Needless to say I have been unable to come up with a good idea for having everyone come see my new kitchen. Feel free to offer suggestions.
Jonny has been working night and day to get everything done quickly, and the girls have been more help than any cleaning company could ever dream of being. But I still have alot of dusting, ironing, and laundry to do. Not to mention putting all the kitchen stuff back. It makes me tired to look at it.
I have been asked to continue the recipes, and I promise to get on that soon. But right now my family has been surviving on the bare necessities as far as food goes and cooking in that kitchen is not quite yet, pleasant shall we say.
I will make you a deal that as soon as the remodel is done, I will put up the best dessert you will ever place on your tongue. Lemonade Pie!
As far as the rest of this week goes, I have to do a ridiculously massive pile of ironing, dust and put away everything in the kitchen, do laundry that has already been done once but got mixed with the clean laundry and now it's anyone's guess as to what is clean and what is dirty, plan Molly's birthday this Saturday, move out of here into Mom and Dad's again this weekend, clean up my entire house, fit in school that we are thankfully almost finished with, and finish pulling all the winter clothes out of the closets and taking them to Children's Orchard.
I do have a wonderful report on the yard sale! There were four of us doing it and the only piece of furniture we had was Mom's desk that she asked $4o for. Yet we manged to make over $1500!! The turnout was unbelievable!!!! We had specifically prayed for nice weather and lots of people, and starting at 8:30 Friday morning we only had one five minute slot where the driveway was not flooded with people. We were finally able to shut down at 5:15 that evening. Then Saturday morning dawned cold and windy and overcast. I looked at Beth and asked her if she would be willing to pack everything up and save it for another yard sale at my house in May. Not an hour later, people started showing up and once again, we never had a moment without people there until about 2:30 in the afternoon when we realized that we had almost nothing left to sell. So we pulled everything into the garage and right then, it started raining! Can you believe that! Don't tell me that God doesn't care about yard sales!!
Have to run now. The nasty ironing basket is calling my name. Have a lovely day friends!!
Thanks for the update! You have been missed!! Your kitchen sounds divine!! I wish I was as brave as you...those colors sound so cheery...I could never pull that off!
ReplyDeleteDo you have an iPod? I love to download sermons and listen while I iron. I'm always looking for one more item to iron so I can finish listening. Makes the chore so much more pleasant! I'll share my website where I download if you are interested and looking for a challenge! :-)